We recently connected with Lisa Ascolese, The Inventress and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Lisa, thank you for being such a positive, uplifting person. We’ve noticed that so many of the successful folks we’ve had the good fortune of connecting with have high levels of optimism and so we’d love to hear about your optimism and where you think it comes from.

My optimism comes from my faith in God, first and foremost. I come from a family steeped in positivity, from my grandparents to my parents, aunts and uncles, my brother and sister. My mom was the most nurturing person, kind, loving and caring. My dad was a great disciplinarian who showed us the importance of respect and gratitude. Coming from a West Indian family, respect is paramount! We have all walked by faith, not by sight, and they instilled this mindset in me from a young age.

My grandmother, Viola J. Miller, was the most influential person in my life when it came to cultivating a can-do attitude. At 75 years old, she was selling Avon and effortlessly navigating the subway from Brooklyn to Manhattan to Staten Island without missing a beat. In addition to these ventures, she came to our house to help my mom prepare meals, all while caring for any family member or stranger in need. And let me tell you something, despite her busy schedule, she always took impeccable care of herself. Her hair was always on point, her nails done, her skin moisturized, and her style was flawless.

This is where my optimism comes from—seeing firsthand how unwavering faith, a positive attitude, and an unyielding spirit can make a world of difference. Growing up in such an environment, I learned the importance of resilience, kindness, and self-care. My family’s influence, especially my grandmother’s, taught me that no matter how busy life gets, there is always room for compassion and self-respect.
This deep-rooted optimism continues to guide me in all my endeavors, reminding me that with faith and a positive mindset, anything is possible. My grandmother’s legacy lives on in me, inspiring me to face challenges head-on and to always believe in the power of positivity.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

Let me tell you a bit about myself first. My name is Lisa Marie Ascolese, and I’m a proud mom of three amazing children: Eddie, Brittany, and Giana. I’m also a doting grandmother to three incredible girls: Olivia, and twin girls Iyla and Ivy. My priorities in life are simple: God, family, and then business. I was born in London, raised in Brooklyn by West Indian parents.

When it comes to business, I am a creator and a solutionist! All of my businesses are creatively based, from my corporation Inventing A to Z ( to my shopping network, Inventors Spotlight TV, and my nonprofit, The Association of Women Inventors and Entrepreneurs (AOWIE).

At Inventing A to Z, I serve as a business consultant, mentor, and coach. I help inventors take an idea from a simple napkin sketch and develop it into a tangible product. This process includes prototyping, manufacturing, and marketing. For the marketing piece, I assist inventors in getting their products on platforms such as Shark Tank, HSN, QVC, retail stores, and of course, my shopping network, Inventors Spotlight TV ( On ISTV, inventors and entrepreneurs have the opportunity to showcase and sell their products and promote their businesses. They can also share their entrepreneurial journeys on my podcast, The Inventress Podcast.

One of my proudest achievements in my business this year is becoming an author. I wrote my first book, “The Inventress’s Guide to Inventing The Right Way: All Or Nothing, Now Or Never.” In this book, I share my insights on becoming a successful inventor and entrepreneur, along with motivational quotes to uplift and inspire readers as they navigate their inventing journey. Additionally, I included a journal section at the back of the book for readers to take notes, track their progress, or jot down questions and thoughts.
I’m also excited to share that I’ve written a children’s book, which is currently in the copyright stage. More updates on that front will be coming soon!

My journey as a businesswoman and inventor has been deeply fulfilling, and I look forward to continuing to inspire and support others in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Lifting each other up two hands at a time and sometimes… you just have to use your foot!

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

The three most important and impactful qualities in both business and personal life remain constant for me: kindness, maintaining a positive attitude, and continually challenging myself to do and be better. These qualities have been my guiding principles, shaping my approach to every endeavor and interaction. Kindness fosters strong relationships, a positive attitude fuels resilience, and challenging oneself ensures continuous growth and improvement.

For anyone starting out in business, my advice is to immerse yourself in learning. Take courses relevant to your industry, attend workshops, and seek out mentors who can provide valuable insights. Never stop educating yourself, as knowledge is the foundation of success. Ask yourself what your future plan is, and think deeply about your objectives. What do you want to achieve, and how do you plan to get there?
Journaling your journey is also essential. Documenting your experiences allows you to look back and see how you’ve improved or where you need to make changes. It’s a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth. By regularly reviewing your progress, you can identify patterns, celebrate successes, and address areas needing improvement.

Self-reflection is crucial for growth in both business and personal life. Taking the time to assess your actions and decisions helps you learn from your experiences and make better choices moving forward. In my opinion, it’s the only way to truly learn and grow without a doubt. Embrace the journey, stay curious, and always strive to be the best version of yourself.

Who is your ideal client or what sort of characteristics would make someone an ideal client for you?

My ideal client is someone who embraces constructive advice, not criticism, and maintains a positive outlook throughout the process of developing and growing their business. They take notes, return emails and phone calls promptly, and are proactive in seeking help when needed.

The most successful clients I have seen are those who seize every learning opportunity available to them. They participate in my monthly Fast Track classes, attend our Motivational Monday gatherings, network at our AOWIE events, and become mentees to benefit from the wealth of knowledge, guidance, and information we offer.

I am a hand-holder at heart and in business, committed to seeing all of my clients succeed. My goal is to provide the support and resources they need to thrive. Together, we navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories, ensuring a journey of continuous growth and achievement.